I am hoping this week I can learn to relax a little more. Honestly, I am finding it hard to allow myself to completely unwind. I keep thinking of what I need to do, what needs to be done once home, and I guess really what I feel I should be doing instead of telling myself that I deserve this time!!
In a life that is always so busy and rushed, once you become used to a certain level of chaos, R&R seems to be a bit of a hard concept to grasp!
With Ryan heading home today, a friend is coming up! Looking forward to spending some time with her. A little girl time with some much needed catching up. Should be a nice way to spend the week of vacation in a beautiful place :)
"The railing hurt my beautiful hand." Kai just came over to where Ryan and I sit drinking our morning coffee (decaf for me) to tell us what just happened. The words of wisdom from a three year old mind...beautiful.
Happy Monday!