Our little man turns 5!!
April 7 marked our baby boy hitting a milestone birthday- one entire hand in number count~ 5!!!
I still cannot believe we have a 5 year old. I know i say time and time again that time flies- but truly- to look at our last 5 years- introducing a child in to our lives, and then looking ahead 5 years to where he is today, it is so surreal.
You are such an amazing person already. Filled with so much love and sensitivity: yet with a whole world of energy to live on. You succeed in all you touch- in your love and care for your sisters- the love for me and your dad- the skill, drive and determination you give to any and all you do and touch...you are an amazing little boy. From really learning to skate this year, so flying down the ice at hockey- learning to swim, play baseball, ski...the list is endless and i am always in aw.
My wish for you is that you follow your heart and always reach for the stars. I know you will touch them all~ I love you baby boy. Happy 5th Birthday!!
Kai celebrated 5 years enjoying another passion of his- biking. He took a few friends to the bike park for some racing fun...and tested out his new bike- in his favorite color, green!
His day from start to finish was perfect~ and he has already requested to do the same thing next year.