I am sure you parents can relate...sometimes the task of getting out the door with the kids seems daunting; but the minute you do it...once you're organized and out, hardly ever is it a regret. (I say hardly, because we all know there are the occasional times when you ask yourself why you bothered!).
Today Ryan went off golfing...so I decided to pack up the kids and head to Maplewood Farm. The weather was good...pretty mild and no rain...the perfect equation for an outing.
T in the carrier and Kai and Si running around made the perfect morning. From animal stall to stall...goats to pigs, the kids were happy. And I was happy they were keeping busy and running around.
I have to admit, i feel a bit guilty that this is the first time I have taken the kids there! Even more so due to the proximity of it to our home! The kids have frequented the farm with grandparents in the past...but never Ryan or I. Today, I broke the trend...and can definitely say, we will be back! It is perfect for the kids. So much ground to run around on; so much to see and do...a great, parent/child friendly place to go. Did I mention, easy!? Alone with the 3 here...was a great place to venture to. However, no free arms for my real camera, here are some iPhone pics.
The farm lasted all of an hour...then we headed to the White Spot for the kids special treat; a pirate pak with ice cream for dessert.
You would think this would help tire them out...
Nope. Still full of energy and dawning the amazing "child-ear"; you know what i am talking about...the way a child hears only what they want, otherwise ignoring or throwing tantrums to all other things said. Yep, the morning was good...the afternoon long. I think the golf course is closing Ryan...time to trade off ;)
Just to prove that T is actually around...
Yes, she is THAT quiet, that already she needs to remind us to change her. (Not really!)
Maybe her shirt should be edited to blogging opposed to texting ;)
Happy Weekend!