We are heading away on vacation this Friday for 2 weeks! I am so excited to just get there...and unwind! A much needed rest, and well deserved if I do say so myself. But it is the getting there that is always so stressful! The organizing of my work while I am away; ensuring everyone and everything is left in good hands. It's the packing of the kids. The "stuff," the clothes, the toys, blah blah blah. It's organizing the dog. Getting laundry done. Ensuring DH (dear husband) packs. And then finally packing myself. I am hoping to fit in a few "girl necessities" before heading away...we will see if that works out. Somehow a pedi and a wax don't seem to be taking front seat!
To add to the chaos of our lives, we are dealing with the wall in the basement where my office will move in to. Originally, we were just going to throw up a wall and call it a day; now we are re-thinking the plan a little as the area is also plumbed for a bathroom. So instead of doing it later, why not do it all at one time. The contractor is coming over tonight to ses out the situation.
When plans are all up in the air I always feel so "stressed" and disorganized. I like organization. I like post-it notes and lists. Right now my lists are long and the things i have to do do not fit on a post-it!
On another note, I received a link for all of my readers for access to a FREE COOKBOOK! There are some yummy sounding recipes in here...and some that sound really quick and easy!
If you are interested in taking part of this FREE COOKBOOK offer, the cookbook is called "dinnerRevolution" by Chef Jeff. Take a look and get cooking! Just click on the photo to receive your free online access!
Let me know if you try anything that is worth while giving a go! I will let you know once I find some time to get back into the kitchen ;-)
Happy Monday~