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Monday, April 18, 2011

Diapers for Baby

Last week a friend from college was in town visiting. She is pregnant and due in July! Our little group of girls met up for a dinner/baby shower to honour her expanding belly and soon to be baby!

I decided to do something a little different as a gift...and so I made, a diaper cake!
It was my first one, and actually quite fun. What mom doesn't need diapers, right!?

she even got a free can of beans! :-)

Three tiers
It was a three tier diaper cake...i think it was 92 diapers! Decorated with bath toys, wash cloths, soothers and more. It was a fun task and a different kind of gift.

There are 5 of us from college that have stayed quite close, and there are a couple of us that are pregnant. This will be a fun year! Something totally new for me as I have never been pregnant at the same time as a friend...truth be told, most of my friends have not yet had kids....and the ones that have are new found friends, and amazing ones at that.

Hope you enjoy your cake Alison!

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