Isn't this just the best part of pregnancy... the part where you know your pregnant, maybe a few family member and friends...but to the rest of the world, your clothes just look a little tight. It is amazing how fast the female body changes during pregnancy. Instantly your system is exhausted, your breath gets taken away when you walk up a flight of stairs... and the pants...they just feel so damn uncomfortable!
So far, the mornings through mid day are my best hours. Sometimes I forget I am pregnant... it all just seems so surreal. But come 4:00 on, I start to feel like I am dragging my butt and the heartburn kicks in as well. Of all the symptoms possible, I am not complaining...I just hope they stay this "easy."
I had a hard pregnancy with Kai. I was ALWAYS tired; I even napped, which I never do! I was SO sick for the first 5 months with the occasional bought through till the end. I remember one trip to Seattle with my mom; she was treating me to a shopping spree of new maternity clothes. We had a great day together, until the car ride home; I was so nauseous and puked in a Ziploc will never look at Ziploc the same!
I was fortunate with Si, in the beginning. I did not have the luxury of naps while pregnant with her as Kai was around and still so young. When he slept, I got things organized. We were also in the midst of selling our condo and moving. Not the most optimal timing! But unlike my first pregnancy, Si was harder towards the end. I had quite a lot of pre-labour cramping...she just wanted out! And by about 8 months...i was ready for her to be out too! She made her entry into the world 3 days early.
And so, number three. How are you going to treat me?
I am excited for the next 8 months (or 7.5 if you want to be nice ;-) ).